DevOps Team Structure BMC Software Blogs

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They work with the development team to integrate security into the CI/CD pipeline, ensure data integrity, and security throughout the software lifecycle, and work to improve areas of weakness in the product. Overall, they ensure that the product stays secure every step of the way. That said, every DevOps team, no matter which form it takes, should include engineers who are skilled in both software development and IT operations.

devops org chart

Then your solution is to spin out a new product and service, and to build another DevOps team which takes it over. Here you shouldn’t conceive product and service concepts only as entities served and provided to external clients who pay for them. But also you can freely build internal products, services or so called “micro-service APIs” and their respective DevOps teams for your internal clients. For instance if your billing system becomes too big for a team up to 10 people, then you should spin out another DevOps team which takes over database access API. Of course, all these teams should be using a common code repository and a joint deployment pipeline to ensure continuous integration, quick delivery and success of their organizations.

All right, next. Let’s talk about Ops.

Replatforming, Rehosting, Repurchasing, Rebuilding, refactoring, and retiring are some of the strategies that you could follow. You need to prepare and implement a migration strategy by assessing application capabilities, cloud readiness, choose the right provider, migrate apps and data and perform post-validation as well. In a serverless computing or serverless architecture, you can host your applications on a 3rd party server which means you don’t have to maintain server resources and other server-related hardware. It is also called Function-as-a-Service as you actually deliver functions as a service over the cloud. Serverless architecture is similar to Platform-as-a-Service but differs in usage. In PaaS, the entire application is hosted, scaled, and delivered.

  • When culture is deeply rooted in an organization, resistance to change is a big bottleneck.
  • This goes against more traditional business approaches where specialization is all important.
  • As such, developers are not concerned about stability while operations teams don’t like frequent changes to code.
  • In order to allow a team to work in a truly collaborative fashion, the organization has to align their goals.
  • Making Work Visible Core Conceptswith Dominica DeGrandis Learn how making work visible, value stream management, and flow metrics can affect change in your organization.

In order to allow a team to work in a truly collaborative fashion, the organization has to align their goals. And that usually means aligning the organizational structure with the desired team structure, as observed by the proverb known as Conway’s Law. But defining the correct organizational structure is a little more difficult than explaining the role and makeup of the team. There are a lot of different ways to position DevOps within the organization, and what works in one environment doesn’t always fit the needs or culture of another. Probably the most popular approach to building a DevOps team is to “embed” the DevOps team within a larger team.

Organizational structure DevOps Agile software development, organization chart, company, text png

It is hard to do that when team members are reporting to different departments, being measured on different criteria, and working towards different goals. When you visit websites, they may store or retrieve data in your browser. This storage is often necessary for the basic functionality of the website. The storage may be used for marketing, analytics, and personalization of the site, such as storing your preferences. Privacy is important to us, so you have the option of disabling certain types of storage that may not be necessary for the basic functioning of the website.

You can use this group in queries or to set permissions for your team. Take some time to review your work structure and the different business groups and participants to be managed. For more information, see Map your projects to business units and Structure considerations. After acquiring the right talent, organize your teams across customer value streams.

devops org chart

From an organizational perspective, we’ve seen very little movement on the way that the data team is reorganized and they’re the ones that are responsible for providing any kind of database capacity into the organization. Let’s put operations, let’s make operations part of the product teams. We give them the right abstractions so that they can do their own operations. I have talked to countless organizations where operations is in the infrastructure group, and they’re part of the run, plan, build, etc. They run the platform, they run the infrastructure, they run the middleware, they run the applications. Furthermore, just like Ops in Anti-Type A, the DBA team is not involved early in the application development, thus data problems are found late in the delivery cycle.

DevOps roles: DevOps evangelist

If the developers are handling DevOps, then we can get rid of Ops entirely, right? Getting rid of Operations entirely just means someone else will be taking on their workload, only Ops probably isn’t something they are good at or familiar with. This is just a way to use DevOps as an excuse to cut headcount. Fortunately, there are a number of models to choose from — and some you shouldn’t.

devops org chart

A DevOps engineer is responsible for designing the right infrastructure required for teams to continuously build and deliver products. The engineer identifies project requirements and KPIs and customizes the tool stack. He is well versed with automation tools and security technologies. In addition, the engineer is involved in team composition, project activities, defining and setting the processes for CI/CD pipelines and external interfaces. Microservice architecture is a process of building an application as smaller services that are loosely coupled, independently deployable, and use lightweight protocols. This architecture facilitates the incremental development of applications.

The Secrets of DevOps Organization Structure

The above is merely a representation of the type of KPIs that organizations can measure for and these will differ depending on the needs of an organization. An example of how this looks in practice can be illustrated with one of our customers, Cox Automotive. The automobile dealer and buyer witnessed significant growth after acquiring over 20 companies. They had minimal IT resources and their DevOps practice was not as effective as expected. Cox Automotive wanted to build a DevOps team that encouraged both the creation and consumption of reusable assets––enabling the growing number of acquired companies to leverage assets effectively and securely.

devops org chart

But rather than calling this team a DevOps team, you might try labeling it an automation team. This participation allows developers to start understanding the frustrations of being called in the middle devops org chart of the night and struggling while foggy-eyed and caffeine-deprived to fix a bug that’s impacting customers. Operations folks also begin to trust your developers’ commitment to their work.

However, the risk with small teams means that getting all the required expertise might be a challenge, and loss of a team member might significantly impair the team’s throughput. A general agreement is that team sizes should range between 5 and 12. Modern DevOps teams employ value stream mapping to visualize their activities and gain necessary insights in order to optimize the flow of product increments and value creation.

How a Center for Enablement Improves DevOps Team Structures

The focus was teams that were able to quickly make informed decisions, what people in Agile might today call self-organizing teams. A somewhat radical approach to DevOps team structure is to avoid designating any specific engineers or team as DevOps specialists, and instead make DevOps a collective responsibility of every engineer. The opposite of the embedded DevOps team model is building a stand-alone team of DevOps experts who do nothing but DevOps. This team operates independently from — but closely collaborates with — development and IT operations. Adopting DevOps, deciding on a team structure that optimizes, rather than hinders, your ability to “do” DevOps can be one of the most challenging parts of building a DevOps organization. Like many people, software professionals have their own goals in mind for 2023, including a focus on project management, software…


These functions here, information security and change control should engage with your teams that are providing the platforms, and the automation around the deployments to ensure that their concerns are satisfied. It’s just the way that we’ve been solving them is something that’s in need of transformation. Containers remove the need for some kinds of collaboration between Dev and Ops by encapsulating the deployment and runtime requirements of an app into a container. In this way, the container acts as a boundary on the responsibilities of both Dev and Ops. With a sound engineering culture, the Container-Driven Collaboration model works well, but if Dev starts to ignore operational considerations this model can revert towards to an adversarial ‘us and them’. My sense is that this Type 1 model needs quite substantial organisational change to establish it, and a good degree of competence higher up in the technical management team.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the mono-functional teams typically have many advantages. These include greater opportunities for knowledge sharing and narrow specialization within a particular team or department. If you find that mono-functional teams work well with the rest of the organization, you should not reformat them for the sake of the idea of reorganization. What is important is not the structure of the organization itself, but the interaction between the teams to improve the overall effectiveness of the organization as a whole.

Under this model, the organization as a whole embraces DevOps and CI/CD, with everyone “owning” these responsibilities equally. The second is that structuring your DevOps team in the wrong way can cause long-lasting problems. For example, a DevOps team that includes every engineer in your business may be so large that team members cannot communicate effectively, which undercuts the collaboration that is a key goal of DevOps.

The re-org is a challenge for large tech organizations that are often split down the middle in the form of a change organization and a run organization. As you already know in a tightly-coupled architecture, small changes in one application can eventually cause many adverse effects for numerous workflows. Therefore, products, services and micro-service APIs in your architecture must be loosely-coupled. Each DevOps team must be only responsible for one piece of an loosely-coupled architecture.

In addition, the developer runs unit tests, pushes the code to production, and monitors its performance. Continuous Delivery takes the applications and delivers them to selected infrastructures. Testing moves towards the left part of the CI/CD pipeline, wherein code is automatically tested before delivering it to production. Secondly, the leadership should recognize skilled individuals and train them to become leaders with personal support, coaching, etc.

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